CBS News: Story Graphics
Front door and story graphics used on for originals and wires pieces promoted on
Emergency Broadcast System graphic - Nov. 9, 2011
Fatal shooting graphic for Crimesider - Sept. 6, 2009
Health Care Reform graphic for politics - Oct. 1, 2009
Stimulus package graphic - Sept. 3, 2009
NFL lockout graphic - Dec. 30, 2009
Wall Street and the Dow graphic - Nov. 30, 2011
Elections graphic for 60 Minutes - Oct. 1, 2010
Obama and 9/11 Anniversary graphic - Sept. 11, 2009
Congress and the healthcare bill graphic - June 14, 2012
Google and Facebook partnership graphic - May 22, 2012
Congress and budget cuts graphic - Feb. 2, 2012
Chen Guangcheng graphic - May 4, 2012
U.S. debt with Obama graphic - Aug. 8, 2011
Legalize medical marijuana graphic - Sept. 6, 2009
Espionage graphic - Nov. 2, 2011
Steve Jobs obit graphic - Aug. 24, 2011
All-Star ballot alliance graphic - June 7, 2011
Retail Sales Report graphic for Early Show - Oct. 14, 2011
Going Green graphic - Aug. 8, 2008
Terror threat report from Homeland Security graphic - Oct. 5, 2010
2010 Census graphic - March 5, 2009
Unemployment declines graphic - Nov. 1, 2011
Banks report on big business graphic - July 30, 2009
The Early Show Fall Fashion - August 13, 2010
Selected Works
Yahoo News 360Photo Illustrations
Photo IllustrationsPhoto Illustrations
Front Page ImagesDesign
Social CardsPhoto Illustrations
Graphic PackagesGraphics
Ballpark RoadtripsInteractive Photography
CBS News: Story GraphicsGraphics
9/11: Then and Now 23 Years LaterInteractive Photography